
~Services May Include A Combination Of Multiple Modalities~


Energy Alchemy & Energetic Recoding


In person ~ Distance

1 Hour~ Exchange  $155~

Thank you for your trust while we pin point areas of discomfort, grief, trauma, pain and stagnation. Utilizing Reiki and Light Language, we will be transmuting any energy that is no longer serving and is ready to be released. New energetic codes may be ready to be installed into your system for your highest and best.


Inner Child, Grief & Trauma Healing


In person ~ Distance

1 Hour~ Exchange $155~

Thank you for your vulnerability in being seen. It can be uncomfortable addressing heartache and wounds. Little you deserves unconditional love. Your wounds deserve to be tended to with empathy and gentleness. Your grief deserves to be expressed and felt entirely.




In person~ Distance

30 Minutes~ Exchange $77~

Thank you for allowing me to offer a clear connection to passed loved ones, guides, your higher self and any other beings that are ready to share messages with you at this time.


Consciousness Coaching


In person ~ Distance

1 Hour~ Exchange $155~

Thank you for being open to new perspectives, new wisdom and learning how to live an empowered, fulfilling life.


Physical Life Transition~


1 Hour~ $155~

Additional fee for travel~

In person ~ Distance

Thank you for your trust in allowing me to connect to your beloved family, friend or pet as they near their transition. This is a life altering experience for everyone involved. Your beloved may have specific messages for their family and themselves to allow more comfort and understanding. Some beloved souls may benefit from rituals and energy work to assist them in their peaceful transition.


Personalized Rituals~


30 minutes ~ $77

In person ~ Distance

 Shift grief, trauma, financial, career, relationship blocks with these powerful rituals that energetically tap into your DNA Blueprint to alchemize and provide channeled messages associated.


Channeled Messages~


30 minutes ~ $77

In person~ Distance

Inquire on any area of concern to receive clear channeled messages for your highest and best at this time.


Intuition Exercises~


1 Hour~ $155

In person ~

It’s time to play! Enjoy a safe space to open up your connection and practice your magick! Are you ready to experience how powerful you are?


Animal Communication, Behaviour & Healing


1 Hour~ $155

In person~ Distance

Additional fee for travel

Thank you for offering your fur baby a voice to communicate messages for their health and wellness. Receive clarity on behavioural concerns


~ 4 Session Package~ $65 Off~ Exchange $555

 Custom Channeled Art

Exchange subject to


individual project



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Contracts of Services for Events Available

and curiouser...